Home / Find a Provider / Bay-Pines-VA-Healthcare-System-ERS-HUD-VASH-and-Homeless-Programs-203530

Bay Pines VA Healthcare System - ERS, HUD-VASH, and Homeless Programs (BPVAHCS)

10000 Bay Pines Boulevard
St. Petersburg, FL 33744

First Accredited: 2004

Program List (4)

Locations (4)

North Pinellas Community Based Outpatient Center

26286 US Highway 19 NorthClearwater, FL 33761US
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Port Charlotte VA Community Clinic

4161 Tamiami TrailPort Charlotte, FL 33952US
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Lee County VA Healthcare Center

2489 Diplomat Parkway EastCape Coral, FL 33909US
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Parent Company

Bay Pines VA Healthcare System

10000 Bay Pines Boulevard
Saint Petersburg, FL


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