Resources for public

Consumer Guide to Life Plan Communities: Quality and Financial Viability
Informative guide for individuals and families who are selecting a life plan community (LPC) or continuing care retirement community (CCRC).

Five ways to be your own best advocate
CARF Connection blog article on how you can impact your health literacy.

Choosing Services — brochure in English
Brochure about how to choose the right provider for you or your loved ones.

Guide to Selecting an Assisted Living Community
This guide provides questions you can ask before making a decision.

Choosing Services — brochure in Spanish (en Español)
Folleto sobre cómo elegir el proveedor adecuado para usted o sus seres queridos.

Choosing Services — brochure in French (en Français)
Brochure expliquant comment choisir le bon fournisseur pour vous ou vos proches.
Other useful links

Find a provider
Use our provider search to find care for yourself or a loved one to ensure that the provider will meet your unique needs and deliver services of the highest caliber.

Resolving issues with a provider and providing feedback to CARF
Information on how to resolve concerns about a provider’s services and a feedback form to submit compliments or complaints about a provider to us.
Suicide — a global public health issue
Go to our suicide prevention page for resources and to learn about CARF’s involvement in bringing awareness to the issue.