Home / Find a Provider / Kennedy-Krieger-Children’s-Hospital-Inc-9985

Kennedy Krieger Children's Hospital, Inc. (KKCH, KKI)

707 North Broadway
Baltimore, MD 21205

First Accredited: 1987

Program List (4)

Program 2
Spinal Cord Specialty Program
Pediatric Specialty Program
Program 3
Brain Injury Specialty Program
Pediatric Specialty Program

Locations (4)

Spinal Cord Outpatient Center at White Marsh

425 Williams CourtMiddle River, MD 21220US
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Kennedy Krieger Children's Hospital Spinal Cord Outpatient Center at Maple Lawn

11830 West Market PlaceFulton, MD 20759US
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Kennedy Krieger Children's Hospital, 801 Outpatient Center

801 North BroadwayBaltimore, MD 21205US
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