Thinking about accreditation for your rehabilitation facility? The newest Be Advised podcast is for you.
Mary Free Bed’s Advisory Group podcast, Be Advised, is diving into the benefits of CARF Accreditation for health and human service organizations. The Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF) has been accrediting organizations since 1966.
The guest for this episode is Terrence Carolan, managing director of the Medical Rehabilitation and Aging Services for CARF International. Carolan has more than 20 years of experience in the field of medical rehabilitation as an administrator, provider, and educator. He holds two master’s degrees, one in physical therapy and one in business administration.
Before joining CARF as the managing director, Terrence was a CARF surveyor for more than 10 years. In his managing director role, Terrence oversees CARF’s medical rehabilitation area which includes standards for:
- Comprehensive Integrated Inpatient Rehabilitation Program
- Outpatient Medical Rehabilitation Program
- Residential Rehabilitation Program
- Home and Community Services
- Concussion Rehabilitation Program
- Interdisciplinary Pain Rehabilitation Program
- Occupational Rehabilitation Program
- Occupational Rehabilitation Program–Comprehensive Services
- Vocational Services
- Independent Evaluation Services
- Case Management
CARF also accredits specialty programs in the areas of:
- Pediatrics
- Amputation
- Brain injury
- Cancer
- Spinal Cord Injury
- Stroke
Be Advised is hosted by Joyal Pavey, vice president of the Mary Free Bed Advisory Group. On this episode of Be Advised, Joyal and Terrence discuss:
- What makes CARF unique?
- The national and international span of CARF
- Common questions about the accreditation process
- Advice for first time accreditation
- What’s next for CARF in the coming five years
You can check out the podcast here:
Looking to know more about accreditation or connect with Terrence? View his profile below to arrange an interview today.
Terrence Carolan, MSPT, MBA
Managing Director of Medical Rehabilitation and Aging Services
Terrence Carolan has more than 20 years of experience as a provider, educator, and administrator in the medical rehabilitation field.