Home / Find a Provider / Aleda-E-Lutz-VA-Medical-Center-CWT-and-Homeless-Programs-236815

Aleda E. Lutz VA Medical Center - CWT and Homeless Programs

1500 Weiss Street
Saginaw, MI 48602

First Accredited: 2011

Program List (1)

Locations (6)

Traverse City Community Based Outpatient Clinic

701 U.S. 31 SouthTraverse City, MI 49685US
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Aleda E. Lutz VAMC-CWT and Homeless Programs

4241 Barnard RoadSaginaw, MI 48603US
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Bad Axe Community Based Outpatient Clinic

1142 South Van Dyke RoadBad Axe, MI 48413US
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Parent Company

Aleda E. Lutz VA Medical Center

1500 Weiss Street
Saginaw, MI


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