Home / Find a Provider / Circle-Park-Behavioral-Health-Services-19150

Circle Park Behavioral Health Services (CPBHS)

238 South Coit Street
Florence, SC 29501

First Accredited: 1993

Program List (5)

Program 1
Substance Use Disorders/Addictions
Program 2
Substance Use Disorders/Addictions
Children and Adolescents
Program 3
Substance Use Disorders/Addictions

Locations (3)

Circle Park Behavioral Health Services - Lake City

111 North Matthews RoadLake City, SC 29560US
More details

Williamsburg County Behavioral Health Services

2811 SC Highway 41-51Hemingway, SC 29554US
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Chrysalis Residential Treatment Center For Women and Their Children

1430 South Cashua DriveFlorence, SC 29501US
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