Home / Find a Provider / CRC-ED-Treatment-Inc-dba-Montecatini-214772

CRC ED Treatment, Inc. dba Montecatini

2524 La Costa Avenue
Carlsbad, CA 92009

First Accredited: 2007

Program List (2)

Program 1
Mental Health
Eating Disorders
Program 2
Mental Health
Eating Disorders - Children and Adolescents

Locations (4)

Montecatini 4

3251 Piragua StreetCarlsbad, CA 92009US
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CRC ED Treatment, LLC dba Montecatini III

7324 El Fuerte StreetCarlsbad, CA 92009US
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6183 Paseo Del NorteCarlsbad, CA 92011US
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Parent Company

Acadia Healthcare

5000 East Spring Street
Long Beach, CA


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