Home / Find a Provider / East-Central-Missouri-Behavioral-Health-Services-Inc-d-b-a-Arthur-Center-201031

East Central Missouri Behavioral Health Services, Inc. d/b/a Arthur Center

340 Kelley Parkway
Mexico, MO 65265

First Accredited: 2004

Program List (7)

Program 2
Integrated: SUD/Mental Health
Children and Adolescents
Program 3
Mental Health

Locations (7)

Arthur Center Community Health-Montgomery City

1225 Aguilar DriveMontgomery City, MO 63361US
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Arthur Center Behavioral Health

896 South SturgeonMontgomery City, MO 63361US
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Arthur Center Community Services - Fulton

601 Commons DriveFulton, MO 65251US
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