Home » Find a Provider » Intellectual-Disabilities-North-West-Vancouver-Society-203861

Intellectual Disabilities (North & West Vancouver) Society (IDS)

1070 Roosevelt Crescent
North Vancouver, BC V7P 1M3

First Accredited: 2006

Program List (6)

Program 2
Children and Adolescents

Locations (11)

Venture 2B/Venture 4 (Venture Enterprises)/The Summit

1095 Churchill CrescentNorth Vancouver, BC V7P 1P9CANADA
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Peters Road House/Advanced Options

1904 Peters RoadNorth Vancouver, BC V7J 1Y9CANADA
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Walpole House/DTC 2 & 3

2597 Walpole CrescentNorth Vancouver, BC V7H 1K6CANADA
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