Home / Find a Provider / James-A-Haley-Veterans’-Hospital-ECS-40020

James A. Haley Veterans' Hospital - ECS (HCHV)

8451 Temple Terrace Highway
Tampa, FL 33637

First Accredited: 2002

Program List (4)

Locations (3)

Lecanto VA Clinic

Contact information not displayed at the request of the provider.Lecanto, FLUS
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James A. Haley Veterans' Hospital New Port Richey Outpatient Clinic

Contact information not displayed at the request of the provider.New Port Richey, FLUS
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James A. Haley Veterans' Hospital Lakeland Community Based Outpatient Clinic

Contact information not displayed at the request of the provider.Lakeland, FLUS
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Parent Company

James A. Haley Veterans Hospital

13000 Bruce B. Downs Boulevard
Tampa, FL


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