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M.O.S.A.I.C. Multi-Lingual Orientation Service Association for Immigrant Communities (MOSAIC)

5575 Boundary Road
Vancouver, BC V5R 2P9

First Accredited: 2010

Program List (6)

Program 1
Psychosocial Rehabilitation
Program 2
Psychosocial Rehabilitation

Locations (16)

Highgate – Settlement and Employment Programs

7155 KingswayBurnaby, BC V5E 2V1CANADA
More details

2730 Commercial - Advocacy and Migrant Worker Programs

2730 Commercial DriveVancouver, BC V5N 5P4CANADA
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MOSAIC - Surrey Cloverdale WorkBC Centre

17700 56 AvenueSurrey, BC V3S 1C7CANADA
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