Home / Find a Provider / Springfield-Memorial-Hospital-Inpatient-Rehab-Facility-and-Therapy-Care-9669

Springfield Memorial Hospital - Inpatient Rehab Facility and Therapy Care

701 North First Street
Mail Box 51
Springfield, IL 62781

First Accredited: 1998

Program List (6)

Program 1
Brain Injury Specialty Program
Children and Adolescents
Program 2
Brain Injury Specialty Program
Program 3
Children and Adolescents

Locations (2)

Koke Mill Medical Center - Lohman Family Center for Rehabilitation

3132 Old Jacksonville RoadSpringfield, IL 62704US
More details

Memorial Outpatient Rehab Services - YMCA

4550 West Iles AvenueSpringfield, IL 62711US
More details


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