Home / Find a Provider / VA-Portland-Health-Care-System-Community-Reintegration-Service-Supportive-Housing-TSES-259514

VA Portland Health Care System - Community Reintegration Service: Supportive Housing/TSES (CRS)

1601 East Fourth Plain Boulevard
Building 18, Room 184
Vancouver, WA 98661

First Accredited: 2014

Program List (4)

Locations (3)

VA Portland Health Care System - Portland

3710 Southwest US Veterans Hospital RoadPortland, OR 97239US
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Salem CBOC

1750 McGilchrist Street SESalem, OR 97302US
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2650 Northeast Courtney DriveBend, OR 97701US
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Parent Company

VA Portland Health Care System

3710 Southwest U.S. Veterans Hospital Road
Portland, OR


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