Home / Find a Provider / Veterans-Affairs-Medical-Center-James-H-Quillen-BH-239728

Veterans Affairs Medical Center - James H. Quillen - BH (JHQ VAMC)

Veterans Way and Lamont Streets
Post Office Box 4000
Mountain Home, TN 37684

First Accredited: 2011

Program List (6)

Program 2
Integrated: SUD/Mental Health

Locations (2)

Johnson City VA Clinic

500 Washington AvenueJohnson City, TN 37604US
More details

Knoxville Outpatient Clinic

8033 Ray Mears BoulevardKnoxville, TN 37919US
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Parent Company

Mountain Home VA Medical Center, James H. Quillen VA Medical Center

Sidney and Lamont Streets (116V)
Mountain Home, TN


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