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Training Calendar

CARF International organizes many training events and educational opportunities throughout the year focused on enhancing quality in health and human services.


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Event Series CARF 101 In-Person

BH/OTP 101: Preparing for Successful Accreditation in Behavioral Health, and Opioid Treatment Programs

Rosen Plaza Hotel 9700 International Drive, Orlando, Florida, United States

This engaging two-day session provides a solid foundation for organizations preparing for CARF accreditation and is recommended for organizations new to CARF as well as staff new to the process or those wishing for an update on recent changes to the standards. Participants will gain valuable insight into the survey process, hearing perspectives from other...


Canada Achieving and Maintaining CARF Accreditation in BH/CYS/ECS

Simon Fraser University 515 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

New to CARF accreditation? Thinking about an upcoming resurvey? Wondering how to promote a culture of quality improvement in your organization? Attend this interactive, two-day training session to learn valuable tips and tricks for getting organized, planning for an on-site survey, and managing outcomes. Emphasis will be placed on areas in which organizations most often...


Event Series Canada Advanced Performance

CARF Canada Advanced Performance Measurement

Simon Fraser University 515 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

This interactive three-day training session takes the mystery out of defining, measuring, and reporting the performance of your programs and services. The Canada Advanced Performance Measurement training is for organizations that are seeking CARF accreditation or are already accredited. The training is recommended for senior managers, program managers, quality improvement coordinators, and direct service providers....
