May 21 @ 9:00 am – May 23 @ 4:30 pm
This interactive three-day training session takes the mystery out of defining, measuring, and reporting the performance of your programs and services. The Canada Advanced Performance Measurement training is for organizations that are seeking CARF accreditation or are already accredited. The training is recommended for senior managers, program managers, quality improvement coordinators, and direct service providers.
Advanced Performance Measurement helps organizations apply a quantitative approach to the CARF accreditation standards on performance measurement and performance improvement. By working through elements of the quality improvement cycle, including performance measurement planning, data collection, and analyzing and sharing information, organizations will gain:
We will also bridge the gap between prior 1.M. and 1.N. standards and the updated version that went into effect July 1, 2022.
In addition to the focus on CARF performance measurement requirements, the course will present key approaches commonly used by quality assurance professionals in their pursuit of quality in addition to standards compliance. Examples include logic models, dashboards, and scorecards.
Although not a requirement, it is recommended that you bring a laptop to the workshop. Some supplemental resources and examples are provided electronically, and some exercises allow participants to practice using tools such as Microsoft® Excel® and survey writing software.
Training materials will be emailed to each registrant one week prior to the training event. For more information, click on the Training Material tab.
All presentations and materials are provided in English.