Education and training designed to meet your needs
Our educational opportunities focus on the standards and survey preparation, enhancing quality in health and human service provision, outcomes management, and innovative practices, and are provided in multiple formats to promote ease of access and participation.
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Educational opportunities
Live learning events
On-demand eLearning
Live learning opportunities
CARF 101: Preparing for Successful Accreditation
This engaging learning session provides a solid foundation for organizations preparing for first-time CARF accreditation. It is also recommended for staff who are new to the process or who are seeking an update on recent changes to the standards.
Participants will gain valuable insight into the survey process, hear perspectives from other participants, and learn how to navigate the challenges an organization might experience on its first survey.
Preparing for Successful Accreditation is a comprehensive and interactive educational session that provides a perfect forum for assimilating the ASPIRE to Excellence® quality framework and reflecting on how it supports effective business management and service delivery practices. A full review of the ASPIRE and overview of program standards is included, together with discussion of practical examples of conformance.
Participants will have an opportunity to consult with subject matter experts one-on-one and learn some best practices for standards implementation.
Transforming Outcomes Data into Management Information
This three-day institute guides participants through the steps required to plan and conduct a program of outcomes management and quality improvement.
The Transforming Outcomes institute is appropriate for administrators, data managers, directors of quality improvement, program managers, information management specialists, and direct service providers. It is useful for both the quality improvement (or data) manager and the executive director or decision maker to attend. The institute is also open to university faculty interested in creating course content for training students to use outcomes data.
Canada Advanced Performance Measurement
This interactive three-day training session takes the mystery out of defining, measuring, and reporting the performance of your programs and services. The Canada Advanced Performance Measurement training is for organizations that are seeking CARF accreditation or are already accredited. The training is recommended for senior managers, program managers, quality improvement coordinators, and direct service providers.
Advanced Performance Measurement helps organizations apply a quantitative approach to the CARF accreditation standards on performance measurement and performance improvement.
Canada Achieving and Maintaining CARF Accreditation
New to CARF accreditation? Thinking about an upcoming resurvey and needing a refresher? Wondering how to promote a culture of quality improvement in your organization?
Attending this interactive, two-day training session will provide participants with an overview of the CARF standards, including the ASPIRE to Excellence® quality framework. Participants will be given the opportunity to discuss and receive support from training faculty regarding the development and implementation of plans, policies, and procedures needed to demonstrate organizational conformance to the standards.
In addition to participating in a combined learning environment, you will have the opportunity to attend focused breakout sessions that cater to your specific program areas that are seeking accreditation.
Whether you are new to accreditation or have been through the accreditation process, you will benefit from receiving:
- Information on the CARF accreditation process and what happens during a survey.
- Valuable tips and tricks for getting organized, planning for an on-site survey, and managing outcomes.
- An overview of significant changes to the manuals, including new programs and standards.
- A discussion of the most commonly missed CARF standards.
- Examples of effective business management and service delivery practices.
On-demand eLearning opportunities
Curated best-practice webinars, select CARF-101 recordings, and eLearning courses on the CARF standards are available through our Enhance Learning platform.
Custom training
We can customize accreditation-related training to suit your organization’s needs and educational objectives. Our subject matter experts work with you to develop, plan, and deliver a customized virtual or in-person learning experience. We also can provide presentations for state and provincial associations, conferences, government committees, and others who are interested in the value of CARF accreditation.
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