CARF releases annual Aging Services financial ratios and trend analysis publication

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CARF International and it’s Financial Advisory Panel (FAP) has released the 32nd edition of Financial Ratios & Trend Analysis of CARF-Accredited Continuing Care Retirement Communities. This annual publication includes benchmarking information and analysis of the financial position of Continuing Care Retirement Communities (CCRCs)/Life Plan Communities (LPCs) that have been through CARF’s accreditation process. A valuable benchmarking resource for the senior living sector for the past three decades, the information serves as a point of reference for developing internal targets of financial performance.

The financial ratios publication is a joint project conducted by CARF, Ziegler, and Baker Tilly. Each year, participating CCRCs/LPCs submit audited financial statements to CARF, which are then aggregated and reviewed by the FAP publication team to identify key financial patterns and trends impacting the senior living field. The annual publication highlights 17 separate financial ratios for both single-site and multi-site CCRCs/LPCs in the United States. The three types of ratios are: margin (or profitability); liquidity; and capital structure. The project partners intend this information to be used by CCRCs/LPCs as a tool to compare actual and budgeted performance, identify trends, and evaluate performance.

“We are pleased to continue to provide this valuable resource for the field and appreciate the efforts of our FAP and publication partners at Ziegler and Baker Tilly who work with CARF on this detailed, analytical publication,” said CARF Senior Business Development Specialist of Aging Services Julia Meashey.

The 2024 edition reveals overall trends which include better operating positions, improved occupancy, and improvement in most capitalization ratios. It highlights that operational profitability stabilized or saw improvements across many measures and tracked in a number of the ratios.

More information will be offered at a webinar on October 17, 2024 starting at 11:30 a.m., EST. It will highlight the financial ratios and findings in this publication presented by CARF, Ziegler, and Baker Tilly, with the provider perspective represented by Corey Hamilton, Landis Communities, a CARF-accredited CCRC/LPC. Registration for the webinar can be found on the Baker Tilly website. Presenters will review financial benchmarks and their implications for strategic planning and budget development.

CARF has been accrediting health and human service organizations since 1966. Payers and regulators interested in more information may contact CARF at (888) 281-6531 or online at Reporters and members of the media, contact us at

About CARF International

Founded in 1966 as the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities, CARF International is an independent, nonprofit accreditor of health and human services in the areas of aging services; behavioral health; child and youth services; employment and community services; medical rehabilitation; and opioid treatment programs. The CARF International group of organizations includes CARF, CARF Canada, and CARF Europe and accredits more than 67,000 programs on five continents. More than 13 million persons of all ages are served annually by CARF-accredited providers.

For more information about the accreditation process, please visit the CARF International website at

Reporters and members of the media interested in more information about CARF, visit our News Center at, and our Media Center at to connect with CARF accreditation experts.

CARF International headquarters is located at 6951 East Southpoint Road, Tucson, AZ 85756-9407, toll free (888) 281‑6531. CARF has offices in Washington, DC; Edmonton, Alberta; Toronto, Ontario; and London, UK.

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