Terry Carolan brings more than two decades of field experience to medical rehabilitation managing director role

Following more than 20 years in the field of medical rehabilitation as an administrator, provider, and educator, Terrence Carolan has accepted an appointment as managing director of medical rehabilitation for CARF International beginning August 30.
Carolan will join CARF staff after working in clinical and administrative leadership positions within Select Medical’s Inpatient Rehabilitation Division and the Kessler Institute for Rehabilitation since 2001. Both Select Medical and Kessler Institute for Rehabilitation operate CARF-accredited programs. Carolan has been a CARF surveyor for 10 years.
Carolan holds a master-of-science degree in physical therapy from Simmons College in Boston and did his undergraduate work in biology at The College of New Jersey. He is currently pursuing a master’s degree in business administration from the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire.
On his appointment to the managing director position, Carolan said, “I am thrilled to join a team that has made such profound impacts on the lives of persons served, caregivers, and other stakeholders over the last 55 years. I embrace CARF’s mission as my own personal mission.” In the managing director role, Carolan will oversee CARF’s medical rehabilitation area, succeeding current Managing Director, Medical Rehabilitation and International Medical Rehabilitation and Aging Services, Christine MacDonell. Carolan will work closely with MacDonell as she transitions to retirement following 30 years of dedicated service.
CARF President and CEO Brian Boon is excited for Carolan to add to CARF’s rich reputation in supporting medical rehabilitation programs. “We are grateful for Terry’s experience and foundation with such a high quality organization as Select Medical as well as his years of experience as a surveyor,” said Boon.
CARF’s medical rehabilitation accreditation area includes standards for inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation; home and community services; residential rehabilitation; vocational services; interdisciplinary pain; occupational rehabilitation; independent evaluation services; case management; and specialty programs in the areas of pediatrics, amputation, brain injury, cancer, spinal cord injury, and stroke. CARF-accredited medical rehabilitation programs provide services at more than 1,800 locations globally.
CARF has been accrediting health and human service organizations since 1966. Payers and regulators interested in more information may contact CARF at (888) 281-6531 or online at www.carf.org/contact. Reporters and members of the media, contact us at www.carf.org/news.
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