Your partner for quality and success

Accreditation is a review to determine if programs/services meet defined international standards of quality in health and human services.

Our consultative peer-review process promotes active, dynamic planning focused on impact and outcomes.

Accreditation matters

Achieving accreditation shows the public and funders/regulators your commitment to continuously improve services, manage risk, and distinguish your service delivery.

These valuable benefits and unique advantages are the greatest return on your accreditation investment:

Assurance to persons seeking services and funding sources, referral agencies, and the community that a provider has demonstrated conformance to internationally accepted standards

Person-focused standards that emphasize an integrated and individualized approach to services and outcomes

Improved communication with persons served

Evidence to federal, state, provincial, and local governments of commitment to quality of programs and services that receive government funding

Management techniques that are efficient, cost-effective, and based on outcomes and consumer satisfaction

Guidance for responsible management and professional growth of personnel

Support from us through consultation, publications, training opportunities, and newsletters

The value of accreditation goes beyond conformance

Accreditation positively impacts your business and services in many ways. These benefits combined with the strength of our internationally accepted standards and consultative peer-review model, are distinguishing factors that make CARF the accreditor of choice for health and human service providers.

Business improvement

Risk management

Funding/contract access

Positive visibility

Peer networking


Insurance premium savings

eLearning support

What providers have to say

Hear what providers and surveyors say about the value and benefits of CARF accreditation. Watch below testimonials featuring providers from:

USA and Canada

Chile, Portugal, and Sweden

Six men and women sitting at a conference table facing a video screen of woman talking

Impact of accreditation

CARF-accredited providers on average see the following improvements from their first survey to their latest survey:

Increase in persons served annually
Increase in conformance
to quality standards
Increase in annual budget dollars
Steps to move forward to next level, success concept, orange staircase with arrow sign and concrete wall in exterior scene, 3D rendering

Learn about the steps to accreditation

Accreditation takes time to prepare for and requires ongoing improvement efforts. We are your partner for quality and success. We will be with you every step of the way.

“Our organization has really gained in performance-improvement and strategic planning processes as a result of CARF accreditation…”

The value of accreditation to our company is the consultative process, resources, and networking that we have been able to get with CARF. Whenever we have questions or problems, CARF is always there to provide us with some feedback or connections.

Dani Kinch, National Director of Standards/Business Systems
CBI Health Group, Toronto, Ontario
Headshot of woman Dani Kinch
Five stars on wood background

What we accredit

The programs and services we accredit span multiple fields within health and human services that we call areas of accreditation.

EditU eLearning

EditU is a resource for community service organizations that serve persons with disabilities to learn computer skills.

Smiling woman placing her hand on another person's shoulder

We’re here to help!

No matter where you are in your accreditation journey, we are here to answer your questions and provide assistance.